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Before/After School Care

Morning Care

Before School Care at ECS

Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM-8:10 AM

  • The cost is $250 per quarter, per student.
  • Payments will be collected (via Permission Click) during the registration period at the beginning of each quarter.  Payments will be due no later than the first Friday of each quarter. Payments made after that day must include a late fee of $5/day.
  • Minimum Enrollment: 12 students
  • In order to adequately staff the program, the full charge will be collected each quarter even if care is needed only part-time.
  • If you need drop-in care, the cost is $10 due on the morning of care (cash or check made payable to Endeavor Charter School)Students may not use drop-in care without payment. No exceptions!  Please notify Josh Burt ( if you have any questions.  
  • To register for Before School Care for the 2024-2025 School year, Quarter 3, go to:

After School Care at Kerr YMCA

Monday through Friday, 3:40 PM

The YMCA picks up students after dismissal and transports them to the Kerr YMCA. Students have the opportunity to complete their homework, play games, make crafts and more! Register HERE.

  • Parent pick-up is at the Kerr YMCA before 6:00 p.m. 
  • Due to the limited seats on the bus, this program is only being sold as a 5-day school year product. 
  • After-school care will not be offered on-site at ECS at this time.
  • The YMCA also offers an option to register for after school care on ONLY Early Release days. Please contact Kerr YMCA at (919) 606-0902 for availability.