Elementary English Language Arts
In ELA (English Language Arts) classes, students at Endeavor will be taught reading and writing as separate, but equally essential skills. In reading classes, students are challenged at their level of performance. In addition to challenging class work, students in grades K-5 participate in iReady assessments and remediation to support their growth in all aspects of reading. Students in grade 3 are subject to the Read to Achieve legislation. Students in all grades K-5 read a variety of literature and informational texts, seeking a depth of understanding which allows them to respond to the text verbally and in writing. In writing classes, students focus on three main types of writing: persuasive, explanatory, and narrative. At each grade, students follow a pattern of pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and completing a final draft. Poetry is taught within the reading and writing classes, but writing poetry is an expectation of every grade and every subject. In addition, a focused study of grammar begins during the second half of first grade and continues through eighth grade.
NCSCOS: Standards for ELA
Growing Our Readers
Each quarter you can look forward to a new volume of our reading newsletter focusing on a different literacy topic.
The newsletters include free resources and activities that you can use at home with your child.