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Endeavor Charter School

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Endeavor Charter School’s



A PAWS organization for Endeavor Charter School is authorized by the action of the Board of Directors of Endeavor Charter School under guidelines hereinafter set forth.  This action by the Board of Directors was taken in the belief that such an organization will be a positive and supportive element in the ongoing efforts to advance Endeavor Charter School and its mission.

Article I:  Purposes

The purposes for which the Corporation is organized are:

a.    To engage in legally permissible, charitable, and educational purposes of promoting, encouraging, and supporting all programs of Endeavor Charter School, by recruiting participants and directing joint undertakings by parents, teachers, and/or students.

b.    To do any other lawful charitable or educational activity that qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 105-125 and Section 105-130.11(a)(3) of the General Statutes of North Carolina as being a charitable or educational purpose and activity.

c.     The purpose of the Corporation shall be limited so that it will be an exempt charitable and educational corporation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 105-125 and Section 105-130.11 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, or the corresponding provision of any future revenue law.

Article II:  Name

The name of this organization shall be Parents Active With Students, herein referred to as P.A.W.S.


Article III:  Membership and Dues

Section 1.  Members

Membership shall be offered to any parent or legal guardian of a child or children currently enrolled in Endeavor Charter School, any current member of the administrative staff and current faculty members of Endeavor Charter School.

Only members of PAWS shall be eligible to participate in the business meetings or serve in any of its elective or appointive positions.  Each membership is allowed only one (1) vote per household at PAWS general membership meetings.  

Section 2.  Dues

All members shall pay annual dues.  The annual dues shall be at least $25.00 per household. 

PAWS shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit persons to membership at any time.

The membership year of PAWS shall begin on July 1 and end on the following June 30.

Article IV:  Officers and their Election

Section 1.

Each officer shall be a member of PAWS.

Section 2. Nominating Committee

a.    There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of a minimum of three (3) members (an uneven number, no less than three) who shall be appointed by the Executive Board at the January board meeting.  Neither the President, nor the officers of the existing Executive Board shall be members of the Nominating Committee.  The committee shall elect its own chairperson.

b.    Via the PawPrint and email, the Nominating Committee will communicate with all parents in February informing them of the nomination process and requesting potential nominees.  In March the Nominating Committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled and report its nominees via the Tuesday folders, the PawPrint, and at the March general membership meeting.

c.     Motions from the Floor – Nominations other than those proposed by the Nominating Committee may be submitted prior to or during the next PAWS general membership meeting (held in April or May).

d.    Eligibility – Only those individuals who are current members of PAWS and have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to office. 

Section 3. Officers and Their Election

The election of officers shall commence in the year of PAWS’ first full fiscal term.

a.    The officers of PAWS shall consist of a President, President-Elect (to be added on July 1 of each school year), Vice Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  No two offices may be held by the same person at the same time.  In case of any shared position, only one (1) vote shall be allowed per office.

b.    Officers shall be elected at the April or May PAWS general membership meeting.  When there is one nominee for any office, that election may be held by voice vote.  However, if there is more than one nominee for any office, election for that office must be by ballot.

c.     An officer shall assume his/her official duties on July 1 and ending on June 30.  An officer shall serve for a term of a minimum of one (1) year, and no more than two (2) consecutive years in the same office.

Section 4. Vacancies

a.    In case of a vacancy in the office of President (if there is a President-Elect), the President-Elect shall become President and shall hold office for the remainder of the term. In filling the vacancy, the President-Elect shall be entitled to continue in the presidency for the following term provided not more than one-half of a full term as President has been served.

b.    A vacancy in the office of the President (if there is no President-Elect) shall be filled at an election by the general membership, notice of such election having been given. The Vice President of Fundraising shall serve notice of the election.

c.     Beginning on July 1 of each year, a vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled at an election by the general membership, notice of such election having been given. In the interim, the President shall delegate duties of the President-Elect.

d.    A vacancy occurring in any other office (except for President and President-Elect) shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board, notice of such election having been given.

Article V:  Duties of Officers

Section 1. President: 

The President shall preside at all meetings of PAWS and of the Executive Board at which he/she may be present; shall perform such other duties as may be provided for by these Bylaws or assigned to him/her by PAWS or by the Executive Board; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; and shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PAWS in order that the purposes may be promoted. In addition, the President shall oversee the following committees/events including but not limited to: Café Days, Cultural Arts, Membership Drive, Book Fair, Art Show and any End of Year Event. 

Section 2. President-Elect:

Beginning on July 1 of each school year, the President-Elect shall assist and shadow the President in preparation to assume the role of President the following year. He/she shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. In addition, the President-Elect shall oversee committees/events including but not limited to: Room Parent Coordinator, Hospitality, Membership Drive, Teacher Appreciation Week and 8th Grade Graduation. The President Elect shall be an ex-officio member of all above mentioned committees and events and shall appoint all committee chairpersons.

Section 3. Vice President: 

The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and President Elect and shall act as chairperson for the Passive Fundraising Committee. In addition the Vice President shall over see the following committees and events including but not limited to: Passive Fundraising, Yearbook, Membership Drive and School Pictures. The Vice President shall be an ex-officio member of all above mentioned committees and events and shall appoint all committee chairpersons.  

Section 4. Secretary: 

The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of Executive Board, have a current copy of the Bylaws, maintain a membership list, assist the President with the general correspondence of the Executive Board, maintain all nonfinancial records of PAWS and the Executive Board, and perform such other delegated duties as may be assigned.  The Secretary may be asked to act as Parliamentarian as needed. In addition, the Secretary will be responsible for school wide communication including but not limited to: Event flyers, Bulletin Board maintence, monthly and carpool signage.


Section 5. Treasurer:

a.    All monies collected by PAWS as local dues, raised through fundraising activities, received as contributions, or otherwise acquired, belong to PAWS to promote and implement a program of services, projects and other activities approved, adopted and directed by the membership of PAWS.

b.    The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of PAWS; shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; and in accordance with the provisions in the annual budget adopted by PAWS, shall make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, Executive Committee or the PAWS membership.

c.     Three (3) positions shall be authorized to sign checks – the Treasurer, the President, and one other PAWS Executive Committee member who is designated by the Executive Board as having authority to sign. Two (2) positions shall sign all checks or vouchers.

d.    The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at every meeting of PAWS and at other times when requested by the Executive Board or Executive Committee, and shall make a full report at the meeting at which new officers officially assume their duties. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as conform to the requirements of the IRS, the state of North Carolina, and any other applicable taxing authority.

e.    There shall be a Finance Committee that shall serve as advisor to the Executive Board on matters relating to the financing of the Executive Board’s administration and that of its programs.  The Committee shall include the Treasurer, who shall be chairperson, the President, the Vice President of Fundraising, and such other members that shall be designated by the chairperson of the Finance Committee.

f.      The Treasurer’s accounts shall undergo an annual external review by a review committee of not less than three (3) members, who, satisfied that the Treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report.  The Executive Board shall select the external review committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the last day of school for the year.  (An external review of the Treasurer’s accounts is performed for the protection of the Treasurer.  It is the only means of assuring everyone that the accounts are accurate, and it relieves the Treasurer of responsibility except in case of fraud.)

g.     The Treasurer shall be responsible for filing any required tax forms within five (5) months following the end of PAWS’ fiscal year.


Section 6. All officers shall:

a.    Perform the duties outlined in these Bylaws and those assigned by the Executive Board or Executive Committee.

b.    Upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation, each officer shall turn over to the President, without delay, all records, books, and other materials pertaining to the office, and shall return to the Treasurer, without delay, all funds pertaining to the office.

Article VI:  Executive Board

Section 1.

The affairs of PAWS shall be managed by the Executive Board in the intervals between PAWS general membership meetings.

Section 2.

Each officer or board member shall be a member of PAWS.

Section 3.

a.    The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the PAWS, the chairpersons of standing committees, a teacher representative, and the Director of the school or a representative appointed by him/her. The chairpersons of the standing committees shall be selected by the Vice President over that committee.

b.    The President may appoint a Parliamentarian, subject to the approval of the officers of PAWS.

Section 4. The duties of the Executive Board shall be:

a.    to transact necessary business in the intervals between general membership meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the members of PAWS;

b.    to create standing and special committees;

c.     to approve the plans of work of the committees;

d.    to present a report at the regular general membership meetings of the PAWS;

e.    to prepare and submit to the PAWS for adoption a budget for the year;

f.      to approve routine bills within the limits of the budget

Section 5.

Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held during the school year, the time to be fixed by the board at its first meeting of the year. Twenty percent (20%) of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the board, seven (7) days’ notice being given.

Article VII:  Executive Committee

Section 1.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of PAWS.

Section 2.

The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to transact emergency business in the interval between Executive Board meetings.

Section 3.

The majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4.

Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held as needed.

Article VIII:  Committees

Section 1.

Only members of PAWS shall be eligible to serve in any elective or appointive positions.

Section 2.

The Executive Board may create such standing committees, as it may deem necessary to promote the purposes of PAWS and carry on the work of PAWS. The term of each chairperson shall be one (1) year or until the selection of a successor.

Section 3.

The chairperson of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval.

Section 4.

No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Executive Board.

Section 5.

Special committees and their members shall be formed by the Executive Board as needed.

* Special committees are created and appointed for a specific purpose; they automatically go out of existence when the work is done and the final report is received.



Article IX:  General Membership Meetings

Section 1.

Regular general membership meetings of PAWS shall be held at least three (3) times per school year, on dates as determined by PAWS or by the Executive Board.  Seven (7) days’ notice must be given to the general membership to set the date of a regular general membership meeting or to change the date of a regular general membership meeting.

Section 2.

The President or a majority of the Executive Board may call special meetings of PAWS, seven (7) days’ notice having been given.

Section 3.

Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any regular general membership meeting of PAWS.  Executive Board members who are present at the meeting shall be included in the membership count.

Article X:  Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of PAWS shall begin on July 1 and end on the following June 30.

Article XI:  Parliamentary Authority

Webster's New World, Robert's Rules of Order, Simplified and Applied, 2nd edition shall be the parliamentary authority for PAWS and its Executive Board meetings, except where these Bylaws provide otherwise.

Article XII:  Amendments

Section 1.

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular general membership meeting of PAWS by a two- thirds vote of the members present and voting (quorum having been established), provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to the general membership at least 1 week prior to the meeting at which the amendment is voted upon.

A review of these Bylaws will take place every one (1) year by the incoming Executive Board.

I verify that these Bylaws were voted on and adopted by the general membership of PAWS at a meeting on (date) ________________________.



Signature of President                               Printed Name of President                               Date




*Revised 2/10/13, 7/28/14, 4/12/16