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Endeavor Charter School

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Operating Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide operating guidelines that supplement the PAWS By-Laws,
providing the framework within which the PAWS committees operate, as well as a portion of the PAWS Board meetings.

  1. The President, President-Elect and Vice President (the Leadership Team) have the authority and responsibility to manage the committees and events that fall under them at their discretion to ensure that the committees fulfill their purposes.
  1. The duties of the following committees shall be:

 Art Show

  • Work with the art teacher and administration on scheduling a date and deadlines for the art show. Contact Artnome and sign contract in a timely manner. A starter kit should arrive from Artnome that has the paper and information binder.
  • Get a homeroom list from the art teacher or office staff and work with student council to check names off at art work is received by set deadline.
  • Attend PAWS executive board meeting at least two months prior to Art Show.
  • Coordinate where the art work will be displayed working with the art teacher and get approval from administration. If classrooms or MPR are needed please book with school coordinator.
  • Plan decorations in conjunction with the fine arts team and assist as needed.
  • Manage Art Show budget, coordinate with Fine Art teachers and order necessary supplies either through a board member or submit receipts to the treasure.
  • Manage refreshments, in the past it has been mini cupcakes from Harris Teeter and mini water bottles. Coordinate a food truck if necessary.
  • Recruit and manage art show volunteers, share link in Friday weekly updates, classroom Facebook pages and on ECS website.
  • Work with the art teacher to recruit a judge from Wake Forest Arts Council for awards and organize prizes (one large prize per hall and 20 mini prizes for best overall).
  • Advertise art show 2 weeks prior using bulletin boards, carpool signs, weekly ECS updates, Tuesday folders, etc.
  • Be present for set-up and at the art show for any questions or needs that may arise. Work with the treasure to collect payment and mark art pieces as sold and complete fund received form.
  • The morning following the art show place all sold art work in bags and distribute to home room teachers. Be available to meet the Artome rep as they pack the artwork and take back to be removed from frames.
  • Submit any receipts to treasure with check request form.

 Book Fair

  • Coordinate with Leadership team on date for Book Fair and confirm the MPR is available.
  • Attend PAWS executive board meeting at least the two months prior to Book Fair.
  • Recruit and manage Book Fair volunteers, share link in Friday weekly updates, classroom Facebook pages and on ECS website.
  • Advertise Book Fair 2 weeks prior using bulletin boards, carpool signs, weekly ECS updates, Tuesday folders, etc.
  • Coordinate spare change and cash box with treasure.
  • Confirm details with book fair company – directions, arrival time, etc one week prior to Book Fair.
  • Set-up tables and books and allow teachers to come and create their favorite lists prior to the Book Fair opening if possible.
  • Complete fund received form and give cash to treasure as needed not to hold onto a large amount of bills.
  • Submit any receipts to treasure with check request form.

 Box Tops Committee

  • Select dates for the school year collection and prizes for each period.
  • Promote collection periods with flyers/bags sent home in weekly folders, carpool signs, box in the lobby area, Friday updates, etc.
  • Manage volunteers to help clip and sort labels during the collection week or week following.
  • Give labels to Vice President for mailing as needed.
  • Confirm with Vice President and/or treasure on amount collected and anticipated date of check.

Café Days Committee

     Duties of the Admin:

  • Determine ordering window dates, confirm with technology assistant.
  • Determine food items and pricing to parents, communicate this information to tech assistant.
  • Double check orders for accuracy and send reports to vendors. Communication with vendors as needed with orders, delivery, pricing and issues that may arise.
  • Create and manage sign up genius for volunteers, send to PAWS president each quarter to place on school website and Friday updates. Oversee volunteers, including leads and manage any volunteer issues, call-outs, etc.
  • Attend PAWS executive board meeting at least once a quarter.
  • Communicate with My Food Days as needed.
  • Source new vendors as needed.
  • In the event of a snow day: cancel with vendors and notify Treasure to cancel any payments to venders if already scheduled.
  • Hold committee meetings twice per year that include the Technology Assistant, Supply Coordinator, Café Day Leads and PAWS President.

    Duties of Technology Assistant:

  • Work with the Chair to be sure all current food options are available, pictures are posted and prices are correct for the first ordering window.
  • Create homeroom list (these will be given to PAWS after Meet the Teacher)
  • Before each ordering window confirm field trips, early release days and holidays and block them from the ordering window.
  • Send pdf of orders by homeroom to Molly Blachard for printing, copy President and Treasure.
  • Run report, create and deliver Moe’s labels.
  • Send milk, juice and apple report to Supply Coordinator foe each ordering window.
  • Send treasurer report for each ordering window that includes venders, dates & payment amounts.

      Duties of Supply Coordinator:

  • Determine quantity of supplies needed (report from tech assistant) and stock as needed monthly or weekly. Complete credit card forms in a timely manor and give them to the treasure.
  • Collate printed order for delivery sheets

 Cultural Arts Committee (lead by Leadership Team and ECS Administration)

  • Attend United Arts Council training in early August
  • Attend United Arts Council booking fair in August
  • Work with the Curriculum Coordinators, Student Assistance Coordinator and Administration to secure performances, dates and space to be sure that all events will work within the school and classroom schedules. Ask the Curriculum Coordinators to share agreed upon performance dates with staff members.
  • Keep all contracts in the PAWS box and coordinate with Jim on needs for lighting and sound a week prior to each show.
  • Complete application in May and mail with $100 application fee for the following school year.

Fine Arts Committee

  • Meet with Fine Arts team and the assigned PA’s during the first month of school.
  • Create wish lists (preferably beginning of each quarter) for supplies needed and volunteer opportunities for the fine arts team. Create a sign-up genius and send to the Vice President for approval, which will then be posted in the weekly update, shared with parent ambassadors and the hospitality committee. Follow-up with fine arts team to be sure items were received and what is still needed.
  • Work with the fine arts team to support them in upcoming events, projects, concerts and plays. A full calendar of events will be given to the committee at the beginning of the school year. The art show will have a separate committee.
  • Coordinate 4 spot lights (one for each subject) preferably once per quarter. This is a great time for us to recognize the teacher, their subject area and how it incorporates ECS mission statement. Pick a day for extra pampering for the teacher, possible hat or flip flop day and donations will go towards that classroom.
  • The four parent ambassadors assigned to the fine arts teachers will give your committee money collected for Christmas and end of the year. Evenly divide the total amount among the four teachers.

 Hospitality Committee

  • Attend meet the teacher and provide refreshments, supervise the hospitality table, recruit committee volunteers for the upcoming year.
  • Create sign-up genius and send to volunteers prior to events (breakfast, lunches, stock the lounge, etc) in order to secure supplies, goods, donated food items, set-up and clean-up.
  • Manage volunteers through emails, text, sign up genius and meetings if necessary.
  • Coordinate breakfast and lunch for staff each quarter working with the teacher appreciation coordinator for any dates that overlap. Set-up for each one and be sure the space is cleaned up – dishes put away if used, tables cleaned off and extra food in lounge.
  • Provide snacks and waters for the quarterly Mane event and any open PAWS meetings.
  • Provide light refreshments and snacks for SEP’s parent talks.
  • Provide light refreshments and snacks for the Director chats.
  • Stock lounge with snacks, creamers and supplies once per quarter, preferably the teacher workday when we track back in or the first few days of the quarter.
  • Responsible for remaining within given PAWS budget, submitting receipts to treasurer for reimbursement.
  • Attend PAWS executive board meeting at least once a quarter.

Parent Ambassadors (Lead by Vice President)

  • There should be 1 Parent Ambassador (PA) assigned per class for Kindergarten and 1st and 1 per grade for 2nd – 8th. This group of volunteers should meet once per quarter to discuss upcoming events and happenings of the school and PAWS.
  • PA’s shall be responsible to form a team of parents for their grade level to oversea the following:
    • Teacher Appreciation: 1 day per quarter with the following theme’s: 1st Quarter – teachers favorites, 2nd Quarter – Christmas Gifts, 3rd Quarter – teacher wish list and 4th Quarter – End of the year gifts.
    • Lunch Blitz: promote lunch duty coverage and keep tally of parents that are still needed for the quarter. Share available slots/dates with parents via email and on grade level Facebook groups.
    • Facebook Groups: There should be at least two admins for each group and only members of the current class should have access to the group. These groups must be secret and members must be approved.
    • Family Fun Fest Auction Basket: create a sign-up genius of wish list items based on your classroom/grade level theme given by the Development Committee. Create the basket and have it available by date requested.

 School Picture Committee

  • Confirm dates for the current school year and be sure the MPR has been reserved.
  • Coordinate dates with photography company and confirm times and directions with them one week prior to picture day.
  • Create a schedule for picture day to ensure all grades are completed in a timely manner, share with all teachers and office staff one week prior to picture day.
  • Attend PAWS executive board meeting at least twice per year, preferably the month before picture day.
  • Promote picture day 2 week prior in weekly updates, carpool signs, Tuesday folder flyers, etc.
  • Fall pictures taken will be for the yearbook and packages are preordered. Distribute pictures when they are taken and give the yearbook disk to Lauren Manfreda.
  • During Spring pictures classroom pictures are taken and those must be preordered, the student’s pictures will be sent home for ordering. Set deadline for ordering/picture return and coordinate with photographer.
  • At the end of the 3rd quarter coordinate with President and President Elect on dates for the following school year.

 Social Event Coordinator

  • Back to school social event for Kindergarten families.
  • Help the president elect coordinate something for the new families.
  • Schedule social nights (spirit nights, coffee chat, etc) once per quarter. Promote events in Friday weekly updates, ECS Facebook page, classroom Facebook pages and on ECS website.
  • Assist PA in scheduling social events for their grade levels, this may include coffee chats, gatherings over track out, etc.
  • Help the president coordinate the end of the year volunteer appreciation.

 Staff Appreciation Coordinator

  • Work with admin the beginning of each school year and organize staff birthdays to correspond with staff meetings.
  • Provide a snack/treat for each staff meeting for birthdays to be recognized.
  • Provide a small birthday present for each staff member the week of their birthday, this can be left in the office for the month for them to distribute.
  • Organize the quarterly theme for teacher appreciation following these guidelines: 1st Quarter – staff favorites, 2nd Quarter – Holiday gifts, 3rd Quarter – supplies and 4th Quarter – staff favorite and end of the year gift. Communicate with Parent Ambassadors as needed with deadlines and dates for each day.
  • Organize Teacher Appreciation Day on May 5th.

Teracycle and Planet Green

  • Create a flyer with the dates for the year and items that are currently being collected. Have copies available at meet the teacher and curriculum nights. Email to president to update on website. Be available at meet the teacher to answer any questions.
  • Help to promote Teracycle collection dates share link in Friday weekly updates, ECS Facebook page, classroom Facebook pages and on ECS website.
  • Coordinate with first grade teachers the dates and times for collection dates. Some weeks may fall when there is a teacher assistant, other days the teacher may need help getting the students and bringing them back to class after.
  • Be prepared with all supplies needed: boxes, packing tape, signs for sorting, table cloths, scale, labels, gloves for adults and students.
  • During collection mornings have volunteers to collect the bags and hold signs. Occasionally have a prize for bringing in trash (pencils, lollipop, etc). Also organize and manage adult volunteers to help sort 8:30-until.
  1.  Committee budgets are to be developed using a combination of 2 methods:
  • Treasurer will provide historical information of at least 2 school years with recommendations for proposed budgets by category/line items.
  • President, President Elect and Vice President (the Leadership Team) will meet with their respective committee chairpersons at the beginning of each fiscal year to determine any changes they anticipate in budget amounts.
  • The proposed budget should presented for approval by the PAWS Board prior to Meet the Teacher.  PAWS members should sign their approval at MTT signifying that proposed budget can be adopted.
  1.  Once the budget for each committee is set and approved for the fiscal year, it is the responsibility of the President, President-Elect and the Vice President (the Leadership Team) to guide the committee chairperson to fulfill the committee’s purpose within the limits of the budget.
  • Each member of the Leadership Team has the discretion to allow the total expenditures for the committees in his/her purview to exceed the sum total of those committees’ budgets by 5% provided that it can be demonstrated that the overruns were necessary to fulfill the purposes of those committees.
  1.  Each member of the Leadership Team (President, President Elect and Vice President) has the authority to approve any single expenditure up to $100 without seeking board approval. Each leadership team member can also approve any expenditure that has been specifically budgeted for during the budget approval process and can approve any expense that has a corresponding income that is greater than the expense.
  2. Only expenditures that are accompanied by a receipt and a completed Check Request Form will be reimbursed by PAWS. Each member of the Leadership Team is required to approve (or sign off on) each check request related to any account for which he/she is directly responsible prior to payment by the Treasurer, who must also sign the Check Request form.  Café Days vendor invoices do not require this form. For those accounts for which no Leadership Team representative, the President, President-Elect or Vice President shall approve the check request, which the Treasurer will also co-sign.
  3.  A credit card will be issued to the President, President-Elect and Café Day Supply Coordinator which will have credit limits of no more than $2,000.
  • The President, President-Elect and Café Day Supply Coordinator shall use the credit card at their discretion to facilitate certain transactions as needed throughout the year.  For any purchase over $500 they must first notify the Treasurer to ensure they will not exceed card’s credit limit.
  • It will be each credit card holder’s responsibility to maintain custody and security of the card at all times. Only the President, President Elect and Café Days’ Supply Coordinator are authorized to use the credit card.
  • Each credit card transaction must be documented with a completed Credit Card Expense Form and receipts submitted in a timely manner. All charges must adhere to the relevant budget item. Any charges not covered by the budget will require PAWS Executive Board approval.
  1.  Once the committees are established, each member of the Leadership Team shall prepare a Summary Committee Report prior to each PAWS Board meeting. If they aren’t able to attend the meeting there should be a representative from the committee to share on their behalf.
  2.  Committee changes or initiatives may be brought to the PAWS Board for validation or approval at the discretion of the Leadership Team, but is not required unless the change or initiative results in a single expenditure of more than $100.
  3.  During the PAWS Board meeting, the Leadership Teams updates will consist of presenting their Summary Committee Report and calling out expenditures, changes or initiatives requiring PAWS Board validation or approval.
  4.  Non-sufficient Funds (NSF) Policy:  We appreciate the tremendous financial support that is given by our parents. At the same time, we understand that occasionally parents run in to circumstances which result in a check returned for non-sufficient funds.  PAWS considers NSF checks a serious matter and will take necessary steps to collect all funds owed to PAWS. In the event of a returned check, the check writer will be notified by email that a returned check has been received.  The check writer will need to make immediate arrangements for payment of the returned check plus a $15.00 NSF fee. PAWS will not accept post-dated checks.
  5.  Expenditures from any fund not directly overseen by a member of the Leadership Team or committee chair must be approved by a majority vote of the finance committee if the expenditure is greater than $100.
  6.  PAWS will carry over is $5,000 in bank minimum balance requirement/operating reserve, plus any remaining Special Reserve Fund balances.

Reviewed / Revised 10/18/09, 8/19/11, 1/8/13, 7/11/14, 4/16/16, 5/31/17, 5/18, 5/19